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4 ways to motivate others using your experience

4 ways to motivate others using your experience

What motivates people? The first response of almost everyone you ask this question is “money”. Yet in study after study, money has only proven to be a motivator when someone is in grinding poverty or in a situation of narcissistic hoarding. Even then, as soon as the...

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How not belonging teaches inclusion

How not belonging teaches inclusion

I’m what they call a 3rd culture kid. I belong to the 17.7% of Canadians who had one or two parents born outside of Canada and grew up learning to bridge different cultures, languages, and worldviews. Let me share with you a few stats about immigrants in Canada and a...

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Increase your leadership attraction: Your backstory

Increase your leadership attraction: Your backstory

Did you know that leadership attraction and marketing are related? You couldn’t control how your story started, but you can write a few good pages in there ― Mustafa Saifuddin As I was reading Russell’s most recent book called Dotcom Secrets, something really jumped...

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Andrew’s story: Finding work in chemical manufacturing

Andrew’s story: Finding work in chemical manufacturing

Let me tell you about how I first met Andrew Zheng... I was a speaker at the Chinese Students and Scholars Association gala (CSSA) and met Andrew during the networking portion of the evening. He impressed me by explaining how he landed a job in his industry right...

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How Sandra cracked the code on “Canadian Experience”

How Sandra cracked the code on “Canadian Experience”

    "A career is a journey with stops along the way, not a destination." It’s a classic line that newcomers hear when trying to find work in Canada: “We are looking for someone with ‘Canadian experience.’” And while this isn’t necessarily an invalid point,...

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Stop spending 80% of your time on one bad egg

Stop spending 80% of your time on one bad egg

Ever notice how there are those "bad eggs" on your team who, like vacuums, seem to suck not only your energy, but everyone's energy? Learning to deal with the "bad eggs" on our teams can feel like a trap. [bctt tweet="It's easy to think that with just a little more...

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Live your work life as if you could die tomorrow

Live your work life as if you could die tomorrow

Recently I have been reminded of the importance of death... When we think about our own death and what might be our legacy after we have left this world, it can have a big impact on how we live daily. It has a lot of weight on how we treat people at work, in our...

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Turning Twitter into a giant job board

Turning Twitter into a giant job board

Not one who needs to use a lot of words in a day? You probably find that Twitter is a favourite social media space and it turns out that many employers feel the same way. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are posted by employers using a mere 140 characters everyday, and...

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Gerard Keledjian: An immigrant success story

Gerard Keledjian: An immigrant success story

About four years ago I migrated to Canada from Dubai, UAE, bringing with me over 15 years of experience and the dream of starting an exciting, new chapter in my life. However, like most new immigrants, I struggled to find my footing. In my search for solutions, I made...

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Courageous conversations you wish you’d had

Courageous conversations you wish you’d had

Have you ever found yourself wishing you would have had a conversation that could have made a difference for you and for the other person? Maybe you wish you had told that wonderful colleague you appreciated her but were afraid it might be taken the wrong way or “go...

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To stop the talent drain, develop your own leadership

To stop the talent drain, develop your own leadership

Your leadership actions are predictors of your organization’s success. If you are in any kind of a management position right now, sit down with a pen and paper and take five minutes to write down your answer to this question: Why would anyone want to follow me? If you...

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On fasting, culture and family

On fasting, culture and family

You may or may not know that I am a Baha’i. One thing that Baha’is do as part of their spiritual practice is to participate in a month of fasting every March from the 1st to the 19th, then celebrate the Baha’i New Year on the first day of the spring equinox. So what...

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Is it true that some people can’t be motivated?

Is it true that some people can’t be motivated?

Unpacking Motivation Ever found yourself asking this question? It's one that I am often asked, usually by someone who is frustrated with an employee who seems to have a lot of motivation issues, and usually when the asker has already decided that the answer to the...

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Build Powerful Engaged Teams

Build Powerful Engaged Teams

Outstanding teamwork doesn’t just happen. The core competency of management is to truly appreciate your staff and make the team more powerful than individual workers to produce business goals. Training is not enough. You can develop the individual until the cows come...

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Is online learning for you? Let’s find out

Is online learning for you? Let’s find out

Online learning isn’t for every professional. It might work for you, let's find out. For me, I have been taking and creating online courses for several years now, and it occurred to me that I should look at the characteristics of successful online learners to see if...

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Getting through to your boss

Getting through to your boss

Have you experienced any of these issues with your boss? Your boss tells you to do something that is completely the opposite, or in contradiction to what he/she told you to do earlier Your boss forgets what he/she asks, and repeats things you already know, or doesn’t...

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How to use your voice more effectively: 4 Critical strategies

How to use your voice more effectively: 4 Critical strategies

To get a job or start a business you probably spend a lot of time perfecting your resume, personal description of strengths, your handshake and your pitch. You likely had a professional head shot taken for your website, or put effort into creating one that would make...

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The need to be right versus the need to know

The need to be right versus the need to know

In his book How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie writes that one of the biggest obstacles to living a happy life is allowing the need to be right to take over the need to know. Most of us will defend our beliefs to the death, even when all evidence...

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Want more confidence? Try these steps!

Want more confidence? Try these steps!

Have you ever found yourself watching someone else participate easily in a conversation with a stranger and wondered, “How did he/she do that?” Or perhaps you watched a presenter put forth a series of ideas with brilliant logic, a great sense of humour, or...

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7 Barriers to communication and a lesson from YouTube

7 Barriers to communication and a lesson from YouTube

Barriers to communication can be removed!   Ask employees in any workplace what the company’s biggest internal problem is and the majority will say without hesitation, “communication,” (insert eye rolling and groans here). Why is it that although we are social...

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Reflections on high school reunions and cultural awareness

Reflections on high school reunions and cultural awareness

I had a crazy moment of cultural awareness/flashback/shock at my 40th high school reunion event a couple of weekends ago. Like many people I know, if you are still in touch with even a couple of people from your high school days 10 years afterwards, you are in the...

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Andrew’s story: Finding work in chemical manufacturing

Virtual introductions: The “why” and “how”

When you are anxiously looking for work or trying to find a client, where do your thoughts go? After reading this post, hopefully they will zero in on one tiny, often overlooked but immensely powerful practice: the virtual introduction. The four categories of people I...

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The power of a true vacation, and why you should harness it

The power of a true vacation, and why you should harness it

“You can’t do a good job if a job is all you do.” - Artifact Uprising “A vacation is over when you begin to yearn for your work.” - Morris Fishbein I have a confession to make. Since I started my business 10 years ago I have only taken one vacation – ONE vacation, ONE...

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Join Mindfulness Mondays
Join us for Mindfulness Mondays, a 3-month program starting April 14th! Learn self-calming techniques to reduce stress, boost energy, and enhance emotional well-being. Register now and get an early bird discount!
Find Your Calm in Uncertain Times!