Beyond Protesting and Donating: 5 Practical Ways to Support BLM
Other than protesting, donating or signing a petition, what can you do – what could you do that would show support for #BlackLivesMatter (BLM)?
Other than protesting, donating or signing a petition, what can you do – what could you do that would show support for #BlackLivesMatter (BLM)?
Learn how to sustain operations, manage workers to work from home, organization restructure including temporary layoffs, deal with employee anxiety, help employers and employees cope with uncertainty, and understand how to work effectively in remote, constrained environments.
Managing virtual teams doesn’t have to fill you with dread. You can be relaxed and confident with a few tools and tips under your manager belt.
What is the biggest personal obstacle to leading effectively? Confidence! We have 3 experts sharing their confidence-building wisdom to help us all manage and lead with confidence.
This session is about finding your career path, setting goals and a road map to make sure you get to your ultimate goal. Not the planning type? Wondering what to do if you like to be open to career opportunities that come up unexpectedly? I will look at both the planned and the unexpected and how to leverage them both for career success.
This practical session will show you three typical inner obstacles that happen to people when they are faced with uncertainty or fear, and what can be done to overcome them.
Barbilee believes we do not manage time, we can only manage our activities.
She firmly asserts that since everyone has the same 86,400 seconds in a day, it is what we do with them that makes us successful or not.