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Negotiating Your Value And Importance – Even If You’re Shy!

Negotiating Your Value And Importance – Even If You’re Shy!

It is no secret that many workplaces make it difficult to speak up or to show your worth. Decision-makers have biases that interfere with seeing their employees for who they really are. Does that mean you should keep your head down and secretly hope to get noticed? Absolutely not! Learn to focus on strategies that gets you noticed and have your voice heard in a way that will advance rather than disadvantage your career growth.

Building your Engineering And Geoscience Career Roadmap

Building your Engineering And Geoscience Career Roadmap

Knowing how to launch, develop and pivot your engineering/geoscience career is essential in today’s volatile economy. We know that most people will have between 4-5 career shifts during their working life. Whatever the shift required to respond to the changing economic realities, there are certain career building and maintenance skills you need to be successful.