Past Webinar Recordings and Resources | Shift Work Management

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Negotiating Your Value And Importance – Even If You’re Shy!

Negotiating Your Value And Importance – Even If You’re Shy!

It is no secret that many workplaces make it difficult to speak up or to show your worth. Decision-makers have biases that interfere with seeing their employees for who they really are. Does that mean you should keep your head down and secretly hope to get noticed? Absolutely not! Learn to focus on strategies that gets you noticed and have your voice heard in a way that will advance rather than disadvantage your career growth.

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Building your Engineering And Geoscience Career Roadmap

Building your Engineering And Geoscience Career Roadmap

Knowing how to launch, develop and pivot your engineering/geoscience career is essential in today’s volatile economy. We know that most people will have between 4-5 career shifts during their working life. Whatever the shift required to respond to the changing economic realities, there are certain career building and maintenance skills you need to be successful.

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Leadership Communications With Your Diverse Workforce

Leadership Communications With Your Diverse Workforce

Learn how to identify and avoid typical workplace communications traps with people from a variety of cultures and generations. Get from “yes boss” to “these are the steps I took to solve the problem” by making sure you pick up on the right clues, ask the right questions and use the right process to check for understanding.

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Contingency Planning for the Pandemic

Contingency Planning for the Pandemic

Contingency planning for a pandemic that could go on indefinitely is a must for employers and managers. This masterclass covers four essentials for contingency planning that will help businesses and managers mitigate risk and stay agile.

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Two Manager Tools

Two Manager Tools

Sometimes you find a tool that is golden for management. In this session you will get two of them! You will learn how to use two practical management tools: 10 check-in questions to ask your team, and four story archetypes you never knew you had!

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Manager or Leader? How Do I Know?

Manager or Leader? How Do I Know?

Wondering if you are more of a manager or a leader? Or both? This masterclass talks about the characteristics and skills of managers and leaders to help you know when to manage and when to lead.

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3 Secrets to Credible, Effective, and Respected

3 Secrets to Credible, Effective, and Respected

Wondering how to get into your workplace power? This masterclass teaches three tools to self awareness that can help you get clear about your strengths, your capacities and your effect on others. Use it to build your career, your business or your relationships! Learn how coaching can help you get to your goals faster and more effectively as you practice these three self-awareness exercises.

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The World of Work During COVID 19

The World of Work During COVID 19

Learn how to sustain operations, manage workers to work from home, organization restructure including temporary layoffs, deal with employee anxiety, help employers and employees cope with uncertainty, and understand how to work effectively in remote, constrained environments.

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Managing With Confidence

Managing With Confidence

What is the biggest personal obstacle to leading effectively? Confidence! We have 3 experts sharing their confidence-building wisdom to help us all manage and lead with confidence.

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Building Your Career Road Map

Building Your Career Road Map

This session is about finding your career path, setting goals and a road map to make sure you get to your ultimate goal. Not the planning type? Wondering what to do if you like to be open to career opportunities that come up unexpectedly? I will look at both the planned and the unexpected and how to leverage them both for career success.

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The Confident Supervisor

The Confident Supervisor

This practical session will show you three typical inner obstacles that happen to people when they are faced with uncertainty or fear, and what can be done to overcome them.

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Taking Time to Pee

Taking Time to Pee

Barbilee believes we do not manage time, we can only manage our activities.
She firmly asserts that since everyone has the same 86,400 seconds in a day, it is what we do with them that makes us successful or not.

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Ignite your Team with Diagnostic Informed Leadership

Ignite your Team with Diagnostic Informed Leadership

There’s more than one way to light the fire of collaborative engagement on your team! This training will show you a new approach for team capacity building that combines the power of diagnostics and leadership training to build individual and group competency.

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Strategies to Manage Workplace Conflict

Strategies to Manage Workplace Conflict

There are several ways to look at and solve workplace conflict. This mini-training will show you how to use three of them and provide some insights into how to when to use them and what pieces to apply depending on the context.

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Making Goal Setting Work For You

Making Goal Setting Work For You

Learn how to create a goal you can stick to and how to change your to-do list to a success list. Just think how satisfied and accomplished you will feel when you can master this life-changing skill.

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Befriending Your Stress

Befriending Your Stress

How to change from reacting to stress to using stress’ energy effectively in one’s workplace, relationships and life overall.

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Finding a Job in Canada

Finding a Job in Canada

Learn how to position yourself to be found, what the typical Canadian employer expectations for hiring are, and how to start accessing the hidden job market where most of the jobs are.

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Be the clearest speaker in the room

Be the clearest speaker in the room

Learn how to make micro-corrections that help you be understood and bring you closer to your career goals. Don’t sabotage your career with pronunciation that confuses colleagues, managers and decision makers!

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Cultural conflict styles and why you need to know about them

Cultural conflict styles and why you need to know about them

Cultural conflict is something many of us face in our increasingly diverse workplace. This webinar will show you what the western and cultural conflict styles are and how to use them both to negotiate tricky situations, decrease misunderstandings and reduce hard feelings when misunderstandings become conflicts.

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How to manage annoying people

How to manage annoying people

Annoyance, defined as persistent patterns of distracting and irritating behaviour is costly to the workplace! ! Ilene Marcus of Aligned Workplace shares helpful tips on how to manage yourself and others when annoyance is cutting down…

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Communicating with clarity

Communicating with clarity

Tom Borg explains how to improve your communication generally and in the workplace by focusing on eliminating communication barriers, focusing on the style and needs of the other person and by consciously improving your listening and speaking strategies.

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Finding the job you want: The inner and outer game

Finding the job you want: The inner and outer game

Did you know there are two sides to finding work? If you don’t align the outer strategy with the inner one, you are likely to end up dissatisfied frustrated even when you do find a job. Watch this video to learn how to clarify what you really want.

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What job rejections are good for

What job rejections are good for

Don’t be discouraged by job rejections! Here are useful strategies for you to turn job rejections into opportunities and tips on how to stay positive when you receive a job rejection.

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Making Service Count

Making Service Count

Tom Borg explains how to hone in on customer service, seeing employees and customers as clients, and why it matters to a company bottom line.

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Supply Chain Featured Industry: Open for Careers!

Supply Chain Featured Industry: Open for Careers!

We all know that the labour market has been shifting with increased speed and right under our feet. This webinar session will explore the reasons behind these shifts in order to propel our careers in new and rewarding directions. Supply Chain & Logistics

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Supporting Religious Diversity in the Workplace

Supporting Religious Diversity in the Workplace

When we asked Canadian employers what they found the most confusing about today’s workforce, they overwhelmingly said, “understanding how to work with religion in the workplace”. Fortunately for all of us, there is a way out of the confusion!

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Join Mindfulness Mondays
Join us for Mindfulness Mondays, a 3-month program starting April 14th! Learn self-calming techniques to reduce stress, boost energy, and enhance emotional well-being. Register now and get an early bird discount!
Find Your Calm in Uncertain Times!