Upcoming Free Webinars with Shift Workplace Management

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Upcoming Webinars & Workshops

Webinars focus on topics related to: workplace wellness, emotional workplace safety, leadership, cultural competency and the future of work.

Workshops develop interpersonal, intercultural and communication skills for managers and skilled professionals.

Our topics revolve around these major themes:

  • Leadership development

  • Productivity

  • Stress management

  • Self development

Click on each event for details and registration.



Stand Up For Yourself with No Bad Effects

March 6, 2025, 12:00p.m. MT

Look and Feel Confident and Articulate without Fear

Have you ever wished you could stand up for yourself but feared what might happen if you did?

On March 6, at 12 noon MT, the webinar “Stand up for yourself – with no bad effects!” will look at three reasons why we don’t stand up for ourselves and three solutions to begin the process of effectively stating what we need – without fear of reprisal.

During the webinar, we will consider the inner scaffolding that must be in place before you can act with courage, and what wise questions will keep you from suffering a backlash.

We will cover:

  • Finding and naming barriers to standing up for yourself
  • Scaffolding for confidence and courage
  • Anticipating challenges and replacing backlash with connection

So if you are a professional who feels your lack of confidence to speak up or hold your ground could be holding you back, this webinar is the remedy. Best of all, you don’t need to change your personality or style for this to work. It is all about the inner processes that make you look and feel confident and articulate.

You can’t afford to miss this session!

Learning Intercultural Competency for the Workplace

March 19, 2025, 9:00am – 12:00 p.m. MT

Avoid Conflict and Negotiate Cultural Conflicts

Today’s workplace is increasingly diverse. In a multicultural context, you may experience confusion or or hurt feelings when experiencing words or behaviours that seem different from your own. There are some key differences between culture, personality and performance issues at work and it helps to avoid misunderstandings when you can read and respond appropriately to each.

On March 19, 9-12 pm, during the workshop “Learning Intercultural Competency for the Workplace”, I will explain the five main cultural conflict styles, how respond more effectively to each and questions that can help both avoid conflict and negotiate cultural conflicts. You will learn about and practice:

1. How to distinguish between personality, cultural and performance issues
2. The five cultural conflict styles and how you might have experienced them in your own extended family contexts
3. Ways to use sincere, curious questions to avoid unnecessary cultural misunderstandings and build understanding

This workshop is golden for anyone who works with a diverse workforce and wants some insights into how to communicate more effectively with colleagues.

Managing Remote and Hybrid Teams Effectively

May 21, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MT

Highlights Promising Practices for Managing a Hybrid/Remote Workforce

Workplace trends in 2025 are showing a mounting preference for hybrid arrangements, meaning some time at the work site and some work time at home or elsewhere, and more remote meetings and communications.

  • Pros to these arrangements include increased job satisfaction, autonomy and innovation.
  • Cons point to loneliness, burnout and drops in performance over time.

The May 21 webinar, “Managing remote and hybrid teams effectively”, highlights promising practices for managing a hybrid/remote workforce that take both technology tips and people smarts into consideration.

For managers, you will have practical tools to use now, for employees, you will learn how to ask for what you need and how to manage your time in a hybrid/remote work setting.

We will cover:

  1. Advantages and disadvantages of several hybrid/remote models and how to optimize advantages and mitigate disadvantages
  2. Management must-haves for remote and hybrid teams
  3. Creating less but more effective meetings with simple agendas and clear expectations
  4. The importance of training on AI tools AND maintaining strong interpersonal communications

Register here!

Employee Well-being and Team Dynamics

August 20, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MT

Avoid Conflict and Negotiate Cultural Conflicts

Team dynamics are the unconscious thoughts and attitudes we hold towards work and how to work with others. When everyone feels responsible for the team dynamic and the wellbeing of the group, it is because they can trust the leadership and their colleagues.

When team members feel supported by their leadership with consistency, clarity and empathy, understand individual roles and feel they have a reliable team structure, the magic happens! Team morale is strong and individual wellbeing can observed through the tone and attitude with which they speak and act towards each other.

The August 20th webinar, Team dynamics and employee wellbeing focuses on three competencies required to improve both team dynamics and employee wellbeing:

  1. Creating a thriving team environment
  2. Communicating within a context of clear goals and roles
  3. Managing conflict effectively

Each practice is a cluster of practices creating an ecosystem of mutual reinforcement for team and the individual wellbeing.

Reserve your spot here!

N.B. Team dynamics and employee wellbeing is a partner to our self-study course “Psychological Workplace Safety”. Together they provide actionable tips for employees, managers and decision-makers in any team environment

Finding Health After Workplace Burnout

November 19, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MT

Understand How to Counterbalance inner and Outer Stresses with Sustained Health

More and more employees are reporting burnout from work, some taking months to recover after facing ongoing unrealistic work demands, disconnects between organizational goals and personal values, and difficulties feeling safe at work – physically or emotionally.

The November 19th webinar, Finding wellbeing after workplace burnout, focuses on recovery from burnout. It addresses your healing needs for physical, mental, moral, spiritual and emotional resilience after burnout, to ensure you understand how to counterbalance inner and outer stresses with sustained health.

Participants will learn how to build up their inner resilience muscles to:

  • Set and achieve personal health goals even if you feel resistant
  • Create boundaries that create a feeling of safety at home and at work
  • Bring joy back into your life and feel encouraged and confident to continue your profession

If you are feeling hopeless at work or worried about returning to work after burnout, this webinar will help you see the horizon of the possible and start feeling good again!

Reserve your spot now!

Help us meet your needs by telling us what topics would be most useful to you for upcoming masterclasses.
We would love to hear from you!

Don’t miss a masterclass! Sign up for monthly invites

Mindfulness Mondays:
For four Mondays in February, I am hosting 30 minute noon hour sessions to demonstrate and practice two emotional regulation strategies to help you experience calm and focus at work.
Emotional Regulation at Work!