The job hunt becomes discouraging when all you hear back is “no”. But rejections can be good feedback to help you get closer to the job you seek. Here are some tips that can help turn rejections into new opportunities:

Sometimes “no” does not really mean “no,” but you have to be alert to see when this applies. The more executive the position you are seeking, the more likely you are to be “tested” with “semi-rejections” to see how you respond and what your next step will be.

Generally speaking, if your efforts result in people continuing to reply to you, it is because they are interested. Use this interest by getting more information, a referral, or a letter that thanks them for their efforts and (discreetly) points out a few more of your strengths for the position.

You usually get three tests to see how determined you are to meet the criteria and be a part of the team. The “3 tests principle” can be found in business and community negotiations around the word. In Afghanistan it is called “3 cups of tea”. In Ireland they say “3 times the charm” and “third time lucky.” It consists of being attentive and persistent without pestering the other person, which can be equally off-putting.

Try to develop a thick skin and detach the job rejection from your own sense of competence. You are competent and someone out there is looking for you. Try to turn every “no” into a “maybe” or a “referral” and with a little patience you will still reach your goal.

Some other sites with helpful tips in dealing with job rejections are:

Dealing with job rejection = 9 tips

Many thanks: How to deal with rejection during your job search

Coping with job rejection

Turning rejection into a job offer

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