Your Voice Is Your Power with Martha Gleason · ShiftWorkPlace

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E91 Your Voice Is Your Power with Martha Gleason


Your voice is your vibration. Find it!

Bio for Martha Gleason

Martha Gleason has a singing and performance degree from UCLA and is a national scholarship winner with the American Music and Dramatic Academy in New York City. Currently, she works with women leaders to find their voice and share a more significant story so that they can become beacons for their ideal clients. She is a professionally trained and award-winning stage performer and helps her clients speak powerfully by teaching strategic performance strategies for video and in-person presentations.

As a certified Mind Body expert, Martha teaches transformational tools to rewire the stress response and pivot into calm focus during high-stress situations. She helps her clients build the targeted messaging needed for video impact and to speak using their unique voice strengths. Martha is also an award-winning international sales trainer. She shares how to use your voice to win resources and projects.

Episode highlight

As a child, Martha dreamed of becoming a singer and performer; we can say she has lived her dream. At 21, she chose to go on Semester at Sea. They went to 13 different countries, many in the Far East. This semester brought her a paradigm shift from being self-focused, achieving, winning, and competing to expanding her consciousness of including other people’s realities.

In this episode, Martha shares her career and entrepreneurial journey and how she helps people find their voices.



  • “Your voice is your calling card. How you show up with your voice determines whether people can hear your message or whether they’re going to tune you out.”
  • “When you find your voice, you are becoming an athlete. You need to be strong in your body and mind.”
  • “Your heart has a song has a song, sing it.”
  • “The voice carries the vibration of the person behind it.”


Childhood Incidents

Martha vividly recalls when her parents had a divorce. Back then, they did not have the divorce tools we have today. Martha watched her mum sink into depression and addiction. She had an Opioid use disorder which they didn’t know was treatable. Her mother was supportive and loving but would sometimes disappear.

Music became Martha’s escape plan. She had a teacher who happened to be her mentor who trained her in her studio. According to a research Martha read, if you have childhood trauma, no matter how complex it is, all you need is a positive mentor during the critical formative years. Martha chose to hide under the friendship she had with her teacher, and it helped her deal with trauma. Things started taking a different turn for Martha when after joining UCLA. Awards started coming in; she began to see her potential, and her healing began.

Influential groups

Martha feels privileged to have been born into a family that had an expansive approach to spirituality. Her family has 32 ministers, among them being her dad. She remembers attending her grandmother’s memorial on the East Coast. At the altar was a Buddhist priest, a Sikh, as well as a Christian minister. That was quite unusual and could only be explained by the fact that her grandmother had lived in China, learned Mandarin and experienced different religions.

Currently, Martha belongs to a performing group called Portsmouth ProMusica. They sing classical master sacred choral works. She is also a part of the Ananda movement, a global movement focusing on Kriya Yoga and self-realization teachings.

Temperament and Personality Influences

Martha believes she was born a joyful person. Over the years, as an entrepreneur, she has added being practical and strategic for the sake of her business. She has made it her mission to help the women she works with realize that we all must be practical.

Cultural Epiphanies

Martha recalls being in the Valley of Kings and Queens, Egypt, during her Sea semester. They slept in a hotel that cost the $1 per night. The hotel had no windows, beds, or bedding. They slept on the floor. The following morning Martha went to the village to get food. She met women who were wearing black clothes (burkas), and they were covered from head to toe leaving their faces looking like cages. Martha could not imagine just how the women were suffering.

The experience allowed Martha to see how much freedom and privilege she had as a white girl. Though she could not be a social activist for them whenever she can, she votes and signs online bills that can help such women’s lives improve.

Thriving Moments

Martha enjoys working with clients who bring their full selves to every session and are receptive to coaching. She believes finding your voice involves curiosity and openness.

Working with managers who are determined to improve team communication in the corporate world brings Martha a lot of joy.

Soap Box Moment

If you’d like to have a session with Martha, she invites you to visit her website. Fill in the contact form, and she will be in touch with you.


Martha Gleason wanted to be a singer and performer from the time she was young, from her experience of Asian and South Asian countries and cultures. While she performed on a ship, she expanded her ideas about the world, allowing an intergenerational resonance with her grandmother’s experience of having lived in China, learning Mandarin, and embracing the religions of the world.

This full-circle experience prepared the ground for Martha to become a mind-body coach, where she helps her clients find their true speaking and singing voices and learn to communicate their ideas more effectively through sound, visual presentation, and video.


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