Upcoming Free Webinars with Shift Workplace Management

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Upcoming Events

We host workshops, masterclasses, webinars, interviews, and tutorials.

Our topics revolve around these major themes:

  • Leadership development

  • Productivity

  • Stress management

  • Self development

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Webinars | Drop In Classes | Workshops

3 Secrets to Being Credible, Effective, and Respected

September 12, 2024, 12:00p.m. MT

Find and Tap Your Inner Powers for True Leadership and Influence

To be effective in your career and your leadership style, you can use three awareness secrets to stay focused on your own “true north”. These secrets can be found in:

a) Your person
b) Your teachings/life lessons
c) Your effect on others

To learn to access these three areas of your life, expert coach and facilitator Marie Gervais, is offering a special webinar on September 12, 2024. During this session she will teach you three practical exercises to find, name and use your own inner leadership powers.

These inner talents are your own unique gifts to give to the world that only you can offer. Once you start using them intentionally, you will be amazed at the jump in credibility, effectiveness and respect that starts coming your way!

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to find and tap your inner powers for true leadership and influence.

    Building Your Resilience Plan for Work and Health

    November 13, 2024, 12:00 p.m. MT

    Practical Ways to Implement and Sustain Personal Resilience

    Many high-level professionals pride themselves in how much they can take on and how invincible they are to stress. Unconsciously we under-estimate how much ‘yes’ tasks will mushroom and overestimate our capacity to “handle” stress.

    During our November 13th webinar from noon-1 pm MT, you will learn three practical ways to implement and sustain a personal resilience plan that avoids burnout and increases wellbeing. Participants will:

    1. Discover how to assess their own resilience
    2. Create three low-resistance/high-return resilience strategies
    3. Choose one action item that works for you with minimal effort.

    Does this sound like something you could use in your life?

    If so, don’t miss this opportunity to cultivate lasting resilience and well-being.

    You will be so glad you came!

    Why “Reading” Your Boss Matters To Your Career

    January 15, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MT

    Develop The Skillset You Never Knew You Needed

    On January 15th at 12 noon MT, my webinar “Why “reading” your boss matters to your career” will show you how to improve your relationship with your boss. Developing emotional responsiveness matters to your career because:

    ????When your boss senses you really “get” what he/she/they want, it can improve your relationship.

    ????Understanding your boss’s needs and motivations, helps you respond more effectively to reach everyone’s goals.

    ????Finally, when you can help your boss “feel felt” you become invaluable!

    Improving your empathetic communication skills is a total employee/boss game-changer.

    This is how you will learn to build these skills during the webinar:

    1. Pay attention to your boss’s specific actions and words
    2. Uncover your boss’s needs and unspoken motivations
    3. Respond to different boss behaviours in ways that get you both closer to your desired outcomes.

    Reading your boss is a skillset you can learn! Register now to reserve your spot.

    Panel: Your Surprising Abilities to Create a Racism-Free Workplace

    March 12, 2025, 12:00p.m. MT

    Eliminate Unconscious and Conscious Racism and Create a Racism-Free Workplace

    Hear it from the experts!

    On March 12th, at 12 noon MT, in honor of the upcoming International Day for the Elimination of Racism, our diverse panel of professionals will speak candidly about how they are impacted by workplace racism and what helps to promote a safe and inclusive work environment.

    Experiencing work as a person of colour in a white environment takes a lot of effort and energy.

    To help navigate the hidden workplace minefield and to hear directly from our minority colleagues, I am hosting a panel of high-level professionals from technical and service backgrounds to talk about their experiences and offer our audience insights on how to build equity and inclusion.

    This panel will help us all find ways to eliminate unconscious and conscious racism, and replace it with belonging and solidarity at work.

    It is possible to create a racism-free workplace using skills you already have! Find out how with insights from our featured guests.

    Effective Management For Today’s Workforce

    January 22 & 29; February 5 & 12, 2025 – 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. MT

    Workshops for Effective Management

    Series of four 3-hour workshops to culminate certificate of completion

    • January 22 – The Power of One: Prioritizing Personal Management
    • January 29 – The Power of Two: 1-2-1 Conversations That Work
    • February 5 – The Power of Team: Building Agreement and Pre-commitment
    • February 12 – The Power of System: Solving People-System Problems


    $147 per workshop or $500 for all four with certificate of completion. Handouts provided.

    The Power of Humour At Work

    May 1, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MT

    International Laughter Day!

    Did you know that the first Sunday in May is International Laughter Day?

    The research on workplace fun is in! You won’t be surprised to learn that more laughter at work increases morale, feelings of belonging and solidarity, and builds cooperation – even for unpleasant tasks.

    Wellbeing increases when there is more smiling and laughter at work. I invite you to celebrate International Laughter Day on May 1st from 12-1 MT with with a session called, “The Power of Humour at Work”.

    It features humorous workplace video clips and highlights encouraging research about resilience through laughter and enjoyment at work.

    I delivered this webinar a few months ago to some very serious academics. By the end of the hour, they were transformed into smiling, approachable, people howling with laughter!

    Blues musician Captain Cody said it best- “How many people here can stand up and say I think I had too much fun today? Too much fun, too much fun – I never have too much fun!”

    Need I say more? ????

    Celebrating Indigenous Entrepreneurs

    June 19, 2025, 12:00 p.m. MT

    Indigenous Business Owner’s Stories of Resilience and Success

    On June 19th, from 12-1 pm MT, we will round out Shift Management’s annual webinar offerings with some celebrities you will not want to miss!

    Featured Canadian Indigenous Entrepreneur nominees and award winners will share invaluable knowledge about their businesses, demo their products, and provide insights and stories guaranteed to educate and inspire.

    It is an honour to showcase these outstanding Indigenous Business leaders and to join in celebrating them.

    Help bring in International Indigenous Peoples Day before June 21st by attending our featured Indigenous Business owners’ stories of resilience and success.

    Help us meet your needs by telling us what topics would be most useful to you for upcoming masterclasses.
    We would love to hear from you!

    Don’t miss a masterclass! Sign up for monthly invites