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Curriculum and Resource Development, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tony Tin, Director of Library and Learning Resources, at VinUniversity arranged for a contract with Shift Management to develop and produce learning resources for college students. The goal of the resources was to improve student’s life skills, research skills, intercultural awareness and ability to self-manage so that upon graduation they would be better equipped for an international posting.

12 acted videos, concept videos, and Manga cartoon strips were developed to support the resource text and help Vietnamese college aged students identify with the concepts. Throughout development, a Vietnamese student advisory group and staff mentor team provided culturally appropriate recommendations which were incorporated for maximum user appeal.

In addition to online multi-media resources, the program had a component to be rolled out to a group of student facilitators. Select student facilitators participated in an online train-the-facilitator workshop developed by Shift Management prior to using it with their fellow students.

The multi-media program was culturally appropriate for a Vietnamese student audience while introducing them to a variety of ethnicities they would likely encounter when working in international settings.

Several thousand students completed the online modules and participated in inperson facilitated sessions with the student trainers. The pilot showed that response to the online resources was positive. Facilitators identified a need for more mentorship to effectively facilitate their peers.

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