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    Shift Management

    18945-111 Avenue NW
    Edmonton, Alberta, T5S 2X4

    Phone: 780-993-1062

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    Why our clients love working with Shift

    "Shift has an incredible ability to assess training requirements and are by far, the most exceptional training consultants that I have contracted during my tenure with Alberta Agriculture. They were able to deliver training that resulted in improved productivity in every food processing plant where they provided services. Team building, conflict resolution cultural competency – they are experts in all aspects of these critically important facets of productivity."

    Karen Gingras, The Management Mentor

    I attended the Work and Culture online course given by Shift Management and thoroughly enjoyed it! This course is a great opportunity for both employers and newcomers to understand workplace culture and gain important insights on how to best work together in the Canadian workplace!

    Rachida Bahi Avatar Rachida Bahi

    Marie is a wonderful Coah, whom I would recommend to anyone looking for help in running and growing their business. Thank you Marie for your advice 🙂

    FrenchEtVoila Avatar FrenchEtVoila

    I highly recommend this user-friendly practical course to anyone looking for work in their field in Canada. Shift management is the most culturally embracing resource centre.

    Ben Sabet Avatar Ben Sabet
    Management Leadership Workshops
    Build manager resiliency and skill in this workshop series framework to access and build your leadership powers. Understand management more holistically – and have the capacity to respond to new realities with confidence.