A Work In Progress with Leslie Bosch · ShiftWorkPlace

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E79 A Work In Progress with Leslie Bosch


Closeted liberal living in a republican world: An Italian-English developmental psychologist shows what it takes to truly grow and develop from a dark past into a bright future.

Bio for Leslie Bosch

Leslie Bosch, Ph.D., is a developmental psychologist, Founder of Bosch Integrative Wellness and a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach. Dr. Leslie received her training as an integrative wellness coach from the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. She helps busy professionals and entrepreneurs minimize the negative effects of stress so they can make a bigger impact without sacrificing their health, well-being, or personal relationships. She lives in Tucson, Arizona.

Episode highlight

As a psychologist and coach, Dr. Leslie Bosch is accomplished, articulate and keenly interested in others and their experience. The experience of living in three very different locations and having multiple careers has given her variety and multiple lenses through which to see the world.



  • “The world is essentially a mixed bag, and you can do something to protect yourself, move towards the things that are more helpful and avoid the things that are more dangerous.”
  • “I think that we have these patterns that get in us and we think it’s supposed to look a certain way and every fibre of our being strives to recapitulate, recreate, relive those patterns.”


Childhood Incidents

Leslie was born in 1960 in Denver, Colorado to parents of a very low socioeconomic status. Her mother’s family immigrated from Italy and started a bakery. Her father’s family immigrated from England to “tame the wild west”, but he abandoned her family when she was 6. Her mother remarried after being a single mother for a while. All these experiences impacted Leslie.

It was traumatic for Leslie to lose her father, who was also the primary caregiver while her mother worked nights. When he left, Leslie’s mother felt the stress of being a single mom, and that impacted how she raised the children. When she remarried, it was challenging to blend the new families together. She developed low self-esteem and self-confidence and became too trusting and obedient.

Influential groups

Being born into a poor, blue-collar, conservative, Mormon, American family in a homogenous, misogynistic society was influential for Leslie, and she worked her entire life to shed the negative patterns she grew up with. Her Ph.D. and coaching practice is about transformation, helping others to identify and transgress old patterns.

She has now moved towards shared power that is “authoritative rather than authoritarian”, inclusivity, and being open to discourse, her own intelligence, agency and responsibility for thinking critically. Becoming a wellness coach helped her realign with her ethics, but she does not feel she belongs in any group as an adult.

Temperament and Personality Influences

Leslie claims her temperament is cautious and perfectionistic/idealistic. It has been a challenge for her to become more of a pragmatist/realist but works to contribute toward the improvement of things instead of chasing perfection. She has always been musical, and “started out with the song in my heart”, she recalls. She was also referred to as ‘the talking machine’ because she loved languages.

Cultural Epiphanies

Leslie moved to New York City in her mid-30s to pursue a singing career and experienced a culture shock, because it was so different from the homogenous suburban experience she had had. She met people from different races, ethnicities, sexes, socioeconomic backgrounds and religions. It was challenging to adapt to the ever-changing city with its overstimulation and stress.

Advice to an Employer

Leslie needs to be nourished, rested and at peace with herself and life at home in order to focus on her clients. She is always intrigued by what they bring to the session and looks to understand where they are coming from. She constantly checks in with her best practices to help them discover “how to move out of that which is less helpful and more toward that which is more helpful”.

More Great Insights!

Leslie shares that coaching can be a powerful tool to help people open up without fear of judgement in a world that is not conducive to vulnerability. Your coach can help you strategize and be the accountability partner that pushes you out of your comfort zone.


Leslie Bosch describes herself personally as a “work in progress”. Her concept of being “in” culture and leadership comes from growing out of the fears and limitations of her past, into a new sense of who she is personally. Her practice offers clients guidance and mentorship informed by incisive observation and analysis.


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