Make Dedication Your Passion with Adam Keller · ShiftWorkPlace

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Ep96 Make Dedication Your Passion with Adam Keller


Do you want to be successful? Make dedication your passion.

Bio for Adam Keller

Adam Keller is the founder of Start a Party Rental Company. He is a successful entrepreneur and business owner. He started his party rental company at 22 years old. Through hard work and dedication, grew it into a thriving business. In addition to his party rental company, he has expanded into other ventures, including Airbnb and a wedding venue. With the aim of sharing his expertise and knowledge, Adam started a YouTube channel focused on teaching people about the key principles of starting a successful party rental company. He also created a TikTok account to provide real and actionable ideas for side hustles and businesses, in response to the plethora of bad advice he saw being shared online. To further assist aspiring entrepreneurs, Adam has created a comprehensive course on how to start a successful party rental company.

Episode highlight

Adam Keller is a product of hard work and dedication. From a tender age, his mother delegated tasks to him, and he never disappointed her. Adam was always up to the task. He vividly recalls helping with house chores as well as taking care of his younger sister while he was in seventh grade. He ensured she was fed, the house was warm, and homework was done.

In this episode, Adam shares his entrepreneurial journey and how his childhood impacted the person he is today.

Listen to learn more.



  • “Being part of a single mother household, I just did what needed to be done and didn’t complain about it.”
  • “Even though in High School we were the weirdos, we were never mean. We knew what it felt like.”
  • “Business culture for me means you have a vision and you don’t let fear stop you.”
  • “I used to struggle with work/life balance because I was afraid of giving up control. But the more you do it, the easier it gets.”
  • “This is our workplace culture: a bunch of dudes working hard to get stuff done, teasing each other and having fun.”
  • “My main goal in life is to help people. I do that best by sharing what I know.”


Childhood Incidents

Adam was born into a single-parent household. During winter, Adam shoveled snow so his mother would get to work. After school, he lit a fire to warm up the house since using a wood stove was cheaper than running electricity.

The backyard had some trees when Adam’s mother bought their first home. She hired people to cut down the trees, but the stumps were not uprooted. Adam used to dig up roots to loosen the stumps for uprooting. He never understood why the people who cut down the trees didn’t attend to the stumps. Later in life, Adam realized that it would have cost his mother more money. According to Adam, his responsibilities as a child prepared him for his adult and entrepreneurial life.

Influential Groups

In middle school, Adam was part of the outcast group in the early 90s and mid-90s. This meant they wore baggy jeans, had spiking blonde hair, and listened to bands like Slipknot, Limp Biscuit, and System of a Down. They were the alternative kids, the 80s version of listening to punk rock and metal. Their dress code was black, and they were always weird.

This group gave Adam a sense of belonging, and the outcasts made them kind to one another.

Business Culture:

Adam believes business culture is about seeing something, putting steps into action, and getting it done. When Adam started his business, he struggled with work-family balance. He worked for long hours and was afraid of delegating tasks to people. Over the last couple of years, Adam has learned to delegate tasks and has more time to do other things away from work.

Work Culture:

From the onset, Adam wanted his company to be where people work, learn, and have fun. Adam says this is a work culture that he is determined to maintain.

Personality and Temperaments

Adam prides himself on his ability to evaluate situations and make decisions quickly. He thinks that’s been the primary education in his life, to train himself to think fast.

He also tries to develop his employees, showing them just how capable they are.

Cultural Epiphanies:

Adam created a TikTok channel to get some business ideas. All he saw were a bunch of side hustles that have to do with various online things like copying lists and doing that and drop shipping. They were all of little value. People made the videos just for views clicks. He decided to make videos that would be helpful. Someone told him to skip the basic questions in the comments section and get to the real meat. Adam couldn’t fathom how someone would think like that, considering people were starting and needed the basics.

Soapbox Moment:

Adam’s primary goal in life is to try to help people. He believes the best way to do it is by sharing his knowledge. He started a YouTube channel to enlighten people and got a lot of messages from people trying to find out more about party rentals. To focus on the people who were serious, he created courses. He invites us to have a look at the courses.

What brings the best in Adam:

Adam loves working with people who are non-complainers. People willing to work and hungry to work for money and knowledge.


Adam Keller has a smart business idea. Instead of investing in things that don’t give you an immediate return like a house or an office, he invests in things other people need to rent for special occasions. With this mindset, a business owner can start with a relatively small input of cash, start renting the items and build the business without requiring loans and investors. His success with this idea came from learning to fend for himself and his sister growing up in a lone-parent household where his mother expected things to get done and the children expected to do them. From starting out and learning as he went along, Adam gained significant expertise in his work, so much so that people flocked to his course and TikTok channel to learn from him. He describes his workplace culture as “a bunch of dudes” who know how to get stuff done while joking and enjoying each other’s company.


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